Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just another day.

Well chums,
I absolutely hate choosing a college.  This is the most important decision I've had to make in life thus far.  And like I do with so many other things, I think I'm making this a much bigger deal than it needs to be.  It's constantly on my mind.  But the more I write the more I think that this would be a much easier decision if my top two choices were both in Indiana.  One choice is Anderson University which is just an hour away, and the other choice is Johnson Bible College.....which is in Tennessee.  Don't ask me what it is about Johnson that makes me wanna go there.  It's gonna come down to whether or not I can handle being away from my family and friends for weeks at a time.  I would be moving there.  If I went to Anderson I could still come home every weekend and during the week if I really wanted to.  One large factor is that I don't want to regret NOT going to Johnson.  I want to see the world, and yes I know Tennessee is not the entire world, but I wanna be go somewhere other than Indiana.  I'm not saying I'd move to Tennessee permanently but I would be down there a nice chunk of time.  I could come home once a month, maybe twice, and I would still have fall freak, thanksgiving break, christmas break, spring break, and of course summer.  And if I went for a semester and don't like it I can always move back.  Feel free to tell me what you think of this....because I would love someone else's view on this....
Another extremely large factor about choosing a college is my depression.  That's a whole other story lol, but I don't want to go down there and feel completely alone and isolated and I don't wanna be at Anderson constantly regretting not going to Johnson.  Not to mention Anderson is waaaayyyyyy expensive.  I've become really close to a lot of my family over the past year and I don't wanna leave and have those relationships fade.  Wow, I seem to be doing a lot of complaining but this is what has consumed all my thoughts since probably summer.

Life is just too crazy.  I want you all to know that I went to McDonald's today and ordered a big mac with a diet coke.......YES I am that person.

I had a lot more I wanted to say but I can't remember one bit of it. Dangit.

I'll be on here again late tonight because I don't have to be at school until 10 for the rest of the year :D That's a beautiful thing.  Hooray for college classes!

1 comment:

  1. Meghan... I love you. dearly. Pray about it. Tell God you need help and guidance. He will show you. Or give you a peace about a certain college.

    Make a list of the pros and cons. (You know how I love making lists)

    And ask yourself this... do you know what you want to do... but you are afraid of what everyone will say or think?? Is that really the dilemna?
